Liner Type Chart


EW Bead

Uni Bead

Std Bead

U or J Bead

Our handy liner chart above allows our customers to easily identify the type of liner they currently have when looking for a replacement. The above are side views of the various types out there. Doneen Sales features uni bead type liners in all our pools.

Uni Bead Pool Liners

Kali 52"

Maya 52"

Bayview 52"

Our uni bead beaded liners for aboveground pools come in 20 mil. We can fit all sizes and wall heights of aboveground pools in round, oval and rectangle. A unibead liner (similar to inground liners) will fit all aboveground pools using the secondary retainer track hung from the top of the wall or as a ubead liner that hangs directly on the wall. We also stock and sell the standard bead liner retainer  which allows decking to be run over the top rail of the pool. These liners can be removed and replaced without dismantling the decking.   See your Doneen Sales pool pro for all your liner replacement needs. A very popular addition to any pool liner replacement project is our pool cove  and/or synthetic felt floor which is available at all times. Liner replacement should always include a new thruwall skimmer and return jet. We also stock the skimmer and return gaskets.

Pool Cove and Felt Floor

DONEEN SALES listened to our customer's requests and developed a very exclusive protection system for  your aboveground pool liner.  Our superior pool cove attaches to the wall at the floor. The cove will always maintain it's beautiful curved form and will not crush like most other styrofoam type coves available on the market today. It will not wash away like sand coving will and allow deformation of your liner.  Our synthetic felt floor system will prevent stones, moles, etc. from penetrating your liner all while adding a slight, cushioned effect to the floor.

sales: Judy Champagne     Forkes Rd, Pt. Colborne
phone: 1-800-581-POOL (7665), locally 905-382-2993 or text/call 905-651-2996
email: doneensales@gmail.com